Tuesday, September 17, 2013

#2 Home Remedies - Pimples


korg ni jenis kulit muka sensitif x?
yg jenis hormon meracau je tiap2 hari menyebabkan muka korg naik pimples??
iols sgt la begitu..
time nk period je meracau la hormon ni smpi naik jerawat kat muka..
makan kacang pun xboleh ok..apa2 jenis kacang kecuali sayur kacang..haa nasib laaa..
nk hilang bukan main susah..
tuptup sekali lagi nk period naik lagi..
bila masanye nk hilang cik non oiiii..
haaaa..jadi iols ni cuba punya cuba macam2 cara la nk hilangkan..
dr yg tepek kat muka smpi la yang telan..
harini i share yg tepek2 dulu ok.
i share yg berkesan dgn i je la..
hat lain xberani suggest kang  berkesan jerit2 uols kat iols pulop..
ok ok mula la kita yee..hehe

ni cara paling latest i cuba..

1) campuran habbatus sauda + cuka makan..letak air sikit.

jangan korg salah cari cuka pulak..INGAT!! cuka makan ye darling darling semua..kat tesco giant ada..
habbatussauda tu korg blend smpi lumat..blend byk2 sekali..simpan dlm bekas tertutup..
kenape letak air jugak?
sebabnye kdg2 cuka ni terlalu harsh for some skin types..kalau for me mmg kena letak air sikit utk campuran ni..
then dah siap paste tepek la kat muka..
tapi TAPI careful..jgn smpi kena mata..jauhkan area mata ye..
dah kering tu cuci la..
jerawat akan kecut..insyaallah :)

2) campuran honey + cinnamon

ni dah lama dulu i cuba..i suka suka suka sbb i kan honey freak..
honey ada antiseptic utk melawan kuman and akan reduce redness on the infected skin..akan sooth your skin and lembutkan.
cinnamon pulak membantu mengecutkan jerawat..campur la dua ni.
satu sudu besar cinnamon dgn stengah sudu besar madu..kacau2 smpi jadi paste..then tepek..
yg ni korg nk tepek smpi pagi pun ok..
then cuci dengan air suam..

3) tumeric

or nama dia kunyit..kunyit hidup muda..bukan yg serbuk tau..
xmau xmau yg tu..
haaaaaaa..kunyit ni korg tenyeh belakang bontot lesung batu..
letak la air sikit kasi dia basah2 sikit..
then tepek kat muka..
tapi masalah guna kunyit ni..akan ada kesan kuning kat muka..maybe for 2-3 days jugak..
kalau plan xnk g mana2 boleh la tepek..
it works..tgk la org2 india..kulit diorg sgt smooth..tambah2 yg makcik2 tua tu..sbb dulu2 diorg buat ni before fair n lovely tu semua..
haaaa tau dah rasia diorg??
haha ok laaa..
cuba la kalau rajin yeee..

kebetulan dah malam kan!
p cepat tepek mana2 yg suka.heheh
selamat beramal!muuaahhxx

Saturday, September 7, 2013

perfumes i love


feeling2 wangi x arini??
selalu je kan..
konon2 perfume mahal boleh cover bau badan ni..verangannn pun boleh..

so disebabkan iols suka feeling2 wangi..
kat bawah ni adalah perfumes yg i sgt suka..
i penah try beberapa jenis perfumes..
and i jenis yg ada 1 perfume je at one time..
bukan yg kumpul byk2..i xtau bila nak sembur yg mana..
hehe ye laaa..setengah org tu they will have few collections..nite time lain..p dinner lain..p ofis lain..masuk hutan lain..swimming lain..masak lain..haaaa xgitu uolsss..mampu??
i xmampu la mcm tu..hehe
so i akan ada satu..and i suka miniature jugak..
kalau baru nk try perfume i rasa miniature does the job excellently..
kalau try guna vial..yg kecik2 comel tu..
bau dia lain sikit..
i pun xpasti why..but for me yes..i did try for few time for different perfumes and they really smell different..
so i opt for miniature..a bit pricy and risky kalau ttba beli u xsuka kan..
miniature will cost around rm30-rm45.
depends on brands and size.
another option before u nak beli perfume or even miniature why not browse them first..
u should know what the top note or base note and how long it will last..
here is the website i like to go through before buying perfume..


kat sini ada ramai reviewers pasal perfume2 yg korg cari..ada mcm2 perfume..
dari yg popular ke paling xpopular and maybe ada yg korg xpenah dengar pun..
so why not waste some times than waste the money aite!!??
it just investing the money on the right one and at the same time kita tambah ilmu pasal bunga2 herba2 yg ada..

okkkkk back to the main topic..

perfume yg paling i suka!
nama dia Chloe edp
perfume ni agak mahal..it cost me rm430 for 100ml
sgt mahal i rasa but i ni jenis jimat punya jimat so tahan la perfume ni dah 2 tahun..
haaaaa mampu???hahaha..
i pulak bukan sembur mcm racun sembur ridsect tu..
takat cet cet cet sikit je..
xmampu la katakan tapi verangan nihhh nk perfume mahal..
yg ni bau dia flowery and feminine..
i feel ME when i wear this..
i came across the reviews in fragrantica saying that nowadays ramai dah wear this but i never come across anybody near me yg dah pakai ni so im gonna stick to this till i found the new ME..

ok lagi satu ni option kalau xde duit tapi nk perfume best.
i first know about this perfume masa body shop launched it on 2009.
i trus beli sbb semekin masa tu nk beli hat mahal2
tapi the performance is excellence all the way
TADA!!perkenalkan White Gardenia
haaa ni i suka suka suka..
even my mom pun suka..
before chloe ni la perfume yg paling i suka..now jadi suka je..hahaha
tapi still my choice of perfumes

ok i jenis yg cari exclusivity..
but most of the time exclusivity need u spend more money..
selagi i rasa xjmpa org sekeliling i pakai..
i ok and rasa exclusive la..hahaha
verangannnn saje iols ni..
xpela..yg penting happy!!