i'm having sore throat, flu and fever..
for 2 weeks now..
and unfortunately my voice turns to rockstar :c
most of the time i'm pretty lazy to go clinic and akan berusaha utk ubatkan diri sendiri unless penyakit2 serious la kan..
selain dari medicine provided by the doctor, u may find remedies in your kitchen too. pretty cool huh! kitchen now is a clinic too..hehehehe
okkkk..let's begin
1) full tablespoon of **honey + little amount of lemon juice
this is my favourite remedie..i love the taste and of course i love honey..heheh
2) Gargle with
a) turmeric
1 cup hot water, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Gargle with the mixture twice a day
b) saltwater
1/2 teaspoon salt to a cup of warm water
c) apple-cider vinegar
(Heinz apple cider vinegar can be found easily everywhere in Malaysia. Tesco mesti ada)
1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 cup warm water
and you will find a lot more combinations of home remedies thru websites..depends which one u prefer..
i prefer the above methods as suggested..
owhhyaaaa....i also drink hot tea with honey and lemon. it does help too.
i have this drink whenever i like it. not only during sore throat..
very simple kannn....but if all the methods u ever find is not working u better meet the doc. maybe u r having other serious health problem.
all the best curing ur throat! :D
p/s : **do not give honey to children under 2 years old. It may carry a bacteria that may cause food poisoning called infant botulism and may cause allergic reaction in a very young child.